Innovative Product for

conditioning and preservation

Non-invasive and Completely Safe Technique

No risks for the professional handling the cadaver

Halts the effects of putrefaction

Absorption of toxic gases generated in cadaver decomposition

Assists funeral workers

Due to its hygiene, ease of use, speed, and effectiveness, it becomes an economical, fast, and reliable solution


Due to its hygiene, ease of use, speed, and effectiveness, it provides great assistance to funeral workers at a low cost.


Can be applied at the same location where the cadaver is collected, with the death certificate provided by the attending physician.


Does not require invasive manipulations during its placement, only subsequent mortuary cosmetics and dressing.


Does not require invasive manipulations during its placement, only subsequent mortuary cosmetics and dressing.

0 Millons
Sector revenue
Deaths per year in Spain
+ 0 sectors
in development
+ 0 days
of reserarch

The ultimate product for

Cadaver Conditioning and Preservation

In comparison with current techniques in cadaver preparation, Intact stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness. There’s no need to plug the cadaver, and its immediate application ensures the disappearance of odors and putrefaction processes.

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Now Request information and discover all the advantages of our innovative product

Patented product

Achieves greater absorption power thanks to its patented formula

Assists funeral workers

Provides hygiene, ease of use, speed, and effectiveness in their day-to-day activities

Of great assistance

Plugging and sealing will be a decision of the professional

La aplicación inmediata de Intact asegura la desaparición de olores y procesos de putrefacción, haciendo que no sea necesario taponar el cadaver, por lo que esa decisión quedará en manos del profesional. 

For its ease of use

Recommended for use in catastrophes

Due to its ease of storage and use, it is very useful in adverse situations and in hard-to-reach places. In exhumed, drowned, burned bodies, etc., achieving optimal hygienic conditions.

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